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Description The Soul of an Octopus : A Surprising Exploration Into the Wonder of Consciousness. In 2011 Sy Montgomery wrote a feature for Orion magazine entitled 'Deep Intellect' about her friendship with a sensitive, sweet-natured octopus named Athena and the grief she felt at her death. It went viral, indicating the widespread fascination with these mysterious, almost alien-like creatures. Since then Sy has practised true immersion journalism, from New England aquarium tanks to the reefs of French Polynesia and the Gulf of Mexico, pursuing these wild, solitary shape-shifters. Octopuses have varied personalities and intelligence they show in myriad ways: endless trickery to escape enclosures and get food; jetting water playfully to bounce objects like balls; and evading caretakers by using a scoop net as a trampoline and running around the floor on eight arms. But with a beak like a parrot, venom like a snake, and a tongue covered with teeth, how can such a beingknowanything? And what sort of thoughts could it think? The intelligence of dogs, birds, and chimpanzees was only recently accepted by scientists, who now are establishing the intelligence of the octopus, watching them solve problems and deciphering the meaning of their colour-changing camouflage techniques. Montgomery chronicles this growing appreciation of the octopus, but also tells a love story. By turns funny, entertaining, touching and profound, The Soul of an Octopus reveals what octopuses can teach us about consciousness and the meeting of two very different minds.
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The Soul of an Octopus - A Surprising Exploration into the ~ Read, download The Soul of an Octopus - A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness for free ( ISBNs: 9781451697728, 9781501161148 ). Formats: .lrf .
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The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the ~ "In The Soul of an Octopus, Sy Montgomery immerses readers into an intriguing, seductive world just beneath the ocean waves and the lives of the creatures living within. In this beautifully written book, she brings empathy, insight, and an enchanting sense of wonderment to the bonds we inherently share with other beings—even those seeming far different from us."
The Soul of an Octopus - Sy Montgomery ~ The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration Into the Wonder of Consciousness Atria Books, ISBN 1451697716 From the Publisher: In this astonishing book from the author of the bestselling memoir, The Good Good Pig, Sy Montgomery explores the emotional and physical world of the octopus—a surprisingly complex, intelligent, and spirited creature—and the remarkable connections […]
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The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the ~ The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness (Paperback) The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness (Paperback) By Sy Montgomery. $16.99 . Add to Wish List. In Stock Now - Click Title to See Store Inventory. Please allow up to 48-hours for Curbside Pickup orders to be processed. Books Inc. Alameda. 1 on hand, as of Oct .
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The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the ~ "In The Soul of an Octopus, Sy Montgomery immerses readers into an intriguing, seductive world just beneath the ocean waves and the lives of the creatures living within. In this beautifully written book, she brings empathy, insight, and an enchanting sense of wonderment to the bonds we inherently share with other beings—even those seeming far different from us." -- Vint Virga, DVM,
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The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration Into the ~ Finalist for the 2015 National Book Award for Nonfiction New York Times Bestseller "Sy Montgomery's The Soul of an Octopus does for the creature what Helen Macdonald's H Is for Hawk did for raptors." --New Statesman, UK Starred Booklist and Library Journal Editors' Spring Pick "One of the best science books of the year" --Science Friday, NPR A Huffington Post Notable Nonfiction Book of the .
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Sy Montgomery : tous les produits / fnac ~ The Soul of an Octopus A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness - ebook (ePub) Sy Montgomery (Auteur) Finalist for the National Book Award for Nonfiction * New York Times Bestseller * Starred Booklist and Library Journal Editors’ Spring Pick * A Huffington Post Notable Nonfiction Book of the Year * One of the Best Books of the Month on Goodreads *.
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