Lire Real-time Coastal Observing Systems for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Harmful Algal Blooms: Theory Instrumentation and Modelling (Monographs on Oceanographic Methodology) Livres Ebook, PDF Epub
Description Real-time Coastal Observing Systems for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Harmful Algal Blooms: Theory Instrumentation and Modelling (Monographs on Oceanographic Methodology). The proliferation of harmful phytoplankton in marine ecosystems can cause massive fish kills, contaminate seafood with toxins, impact local and regional economies and dramatically affect ecological balance. Real-time observations are essential for effective short-term operational forecasting, but observation and modelling systems are still being developed. This volume offers guidance for developing real-time and near real-time sensing systems for observing and predicting plankton dynamics, including harmful algal blooms, in coastal waters. It explains the underlying theory and discusses current trends in research and monitoring. Topics treated include: coastal ecosystems and dynamics of harmful algal blooms; theory and practical applications of in situ and remotely sensed optical detection of microalgal distributions and composition; theory and practical applications of in situ biological and chemical sensors for targeted species and toxin detection; integrated observing systems and platforms for detection; diagnostic and predictive modelling of ecosystems and harmful algal blooms, including data assimilation techniques; observational needs for the public and government; and future directions for research and operations. This anthology should inform the work of researchers and environmental monitors as well as teachers and trainers concerned with understanding the causes, predicting the occurrences and mitigating the effects of harmful algal blooms in marine ecosystems.
Real-time coastal observing systems for marine ecosystem ~ Real-time coastal observing systems for marine ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms: Theory, instrumentation and modelling
Real-time Coastal Observing Systems for Marine Ecosystem ~ PDF / On Jan 1, 2008, M. Babin and others published Real-time Coastal Observing Systems for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Harmful Algal Blooms: Theory, Instrumentation and Modelling / Find, read .
Workshop on Real-time Coastal Observing Systems for ~ Workshop on Real-time Coastal Observing Systems for Ecosystem Dynamics and Harmful Algal Blooms Villefranche-sur-Mer, France 11–21 June 2003 This report is not to be quoted without prior consultation with the General Secretary. The document is a report of an expert group under the auspices of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and does not necessarily represent the view
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Physical and Biogeochemical Factors Driving Spatially ~ Phytoplankton blooms in nearshore waters are difficult to predict using only biogeochemical factors known to control phytoplankton growth, yet the need to understand these events continues to grow with expanding harmful algal bloom (HAB) events. The present study investigated the spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton blooms and their drivers in King Harbor, a harbor in Santa Monica .
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